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  1. Steven Raymond
    2012-10-12 @ 2:00 PM

    The paradox in my life, for many reasons I will not detail here, is that while I have been cognizant of this information, I have come to feel that my “purpose” in life on this plane is to resolve all past traumas and limiting beliefs within this body, and to embrace a full embodied, Self-Loving existence on this plane.

    This could be perhaps a reaction to my mother, who as a Rosicrucian, Bible Scholar, autodidact of ancient Greek and Aramaic, and embracer of Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science and Edgar Cayce, and who had a very physically traumatized childhood, lived her life very dissociated from her body, and embraced the worldview that the physical body is irrelevant, and that only spirit matters. In my less kind assessment when she was alive, I always referred to her as “The Unhealthiest Human Being On the Planet.”

    I wish to live a fully embodied life, with access to broader dimensions.

    I also enjoy the use of commas…eight in one sentence…nice!

    • Julia
      2012-10-12 @ 4:37 PM

      Absolutely, that is why we bothered to incarnate physically. This has a sharpness and brilliance that can’t be matched. However, it also limits us in the amount of energy we can handle and the amount of consciousness that can filter through. Given that we cannot operate in the body as fully as we do without a body, we should all stop trying so hard–including me–and just PLAY!

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