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  1. Steven Raymond
    2012-10-12 @ 3:22 PM

    I find it easy to make room for the life-embracing atheist stance in this film. I do find many atheists seem angry and embittered, and I understand some of their reasons, but don’t vibe with them.

    During my own periods of questioning, I came to this position…

    If indeed, there is no Higher Creative Source in the Universe, and that Life is the simple byproduct of carbon molecules combining into amino acids, and DNA evolved as a chemical reaction and formed unicellular organisms, and over a few hundred years evolution produced hominids, and the early hominids progressed in complexity to Homo, and that the Consciousness we have now is merely a byproduct of our complex brains…

    Then the mere fact that we Exist completely blows my mind…that we exist, and think and feel and imagine and love and hurt and desire and Create music and art and engineering and literature…and in a way, how much more Precious is Life then, and if this is all we have, suck the marrow from it and live fully.

    And so I seek to live this way…but, the intellect is such a limited aspect of Myself for experiencing Life, and when I open up more, I experience so much more. I reject virtually all religious metaphors, and it is inconceivable to me that in a Universe of 6 trillion plus galaxies, Consciousness is irrelevant, and a Higher Vast Intelligence is not the Source from which we all emanate.

    I embrace evolution, but natural selection is not a satisfactory enough explanation for the beauty and enormous complexity of ecosystems. There’s something more behind evolution that we have not yet discerned.

  2. Julia
    2012-10-12 @ 4:33 PM

    Beautifully put Steve. But when I see you I will make an earnest effort to argue you out of embracing evolution!

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