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  1. Chris Lovelidge
    2015-04-19 @ 5:13 PM

    A most interesting letter. As a Reiki master and a Near Death Experiencer I have been researching the phenomenon of the NDE since 1980. I have noticed the slow (but sure) increase in the number of scientist who are giving serious consideration or actually believing in the NDE as a reality and the efficacy of energy healing. I refer to Dr. Eben Alexadra and his book “Proof of Heaven” and the surgeon Van Pimmel as examples. As data is accumulated I am confident science will eventually catch up with spirituality. My research led me the nature of Subtle Energies examples of which are on my blog. Let me know what you think.

  2. John Steinmeyer
    2016-10-12 @ 3:26 PM

    Hi Julia,
    I have your book and have read it twice so far. I , also, have Dr. Dossey”s book on the one mind, and have read numerous articles the subject. What I still do not know………..Do you believe that when you close your eyes for the last time you will cross immediately into the next phase of your life……….the other side as many folks call it? In your book there does seem to be still some reluctance there in your belief. You obviously know Dr. Dossey personally and I,also, am not certain of his belief.
    After many hours of reading I still do not know what you, Dossey, and others really deep down believe. I am 86 now so don’t have a lot of time…………. Regardsl, John

    • Julia
      2016-10-16 @ 10:44 AM

      Dear John, Thank you for the provocative question. A lot of things can happen after people “closes their eyes for the last time.” I have posted an article on this website that has to do with anomalies after death, namely reincarnation anomalies. However, you will not fall in that category at all. You belong to the 90% of people who do go on to the next phase, as you put it. Death is a way for the psyche to continue. Without it, we would not be able to develop. Some people do have resistance facing their new circumstances, or even denial of death. In time, and often with help, they will get out of it. In my workshops, my students visit their deathbed scenes in their present lives in order to see if they have fulfilled themselves, and if not, why. They then go on to follow their energy bodies into the next dimensions. Most of the pain people experience around dying has to do with the fear of dying itself and the belief that dying is a failure one must fight against. After fast-forwarding to our deathbed scenes, we are much more prepared, sometimes even eager, for death. Try it! Then follow your body up and out. Pay attention to where you leave the body. The good thing about fast-forwarding is, if you find something you don’t like, you can change it. What do you still need to do? What haven’t you faced? What do you expect after death? Expectation plays a big role in what happens to us.

      I hope this helps!


  3. Lara Dupont
    2018-11-15 @ 9:17 AM

    Hi Julia –

    I hope you get this e-mail …
    I happened to listen to your interview with Dan Schneidman and was very impressed – however I was a bit confused about one thing. When you talked about how people have it “wrong” about the afterlife – its not a place etc. and you said all these Jihadi suicide bombers who expect to go to heaven are so disappointed – however in your reply to John Steinmeyer you end by saying: What do you expect after death? Expectation plays a big role in what happens to us. – how do you reconcile both of these comments?



    • Julia Assante
      2019-01-24 @ 4:03 PM

      Dear Lara, thanks for the question. It’s a good one. Most people find that their afterlife experiences are not what they were taught. What we’re taught and what we expect are not really the same. I have seen people stay in a self-made delusion of hell, because that is what they deeply believed they deserved. On the other hand, I’ve encountered many people who were strictly religious and experienced their afterlives as totally contrary to what they expected. Usually, they are furious after they die to find out that the afterlife has nothing to do with reward and punishment, furious with their churches, mosques and temples because they gave up so many living experiences to observe the laws of their religious institutions. Nevertheless, those types of expectations, the taught ones, are not as influential in the afterlife as the deeply felt, more personal ones. If a person has an inner optimism, it won’t matter what they were taught, that optimism will pull them into a wonderful experience. Do you see the difference? Hope so! Julia

  4. Guru
    2018-12-05 @ 12:56 PM

    Pure consciousness exists in is self is not is known but not by intellect.Advaita vedanta is science of consciousness.what really you are is beyond space, time, causality.This can not be accepted by intellect .You are ocean .separation is illusion felt by person as a wave .wave depends on ocean . ocean does not depend on wave .your blogs resonate with my knowledge.Thanks .Feel free to contact.

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