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  1. Steven Raymond
    2012-10-12 @ 3:51 PM

    To express a moment of empathy for figures such as Popes…

    Having witnessed closely how a few thinkers and innovators of psychotherapeutic modalities become highly invested in their worldview to the exclusion of others, can you imagine what it must be like for a Pope to move against the stream of 2000 years of Catholic tradition? One would have to be enormously centered in believing their personal communication with God to even try to change the dinner menu!

    • Julia
      2012-10-12 @ 4:27 PM

      You are absolutely right, Steve. Thanks for pointing that out.

  2. Father Bob
    2012-10-17 @ 9:57 PM

    As far as I know, Limbo was never the official teaching of the Church. It was more of a popular belief. It isn’t even mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Chuech.

    • Julia
      2012-10-18 @ 8:04 AM

      Thanks so much for the comment, Father Bob. And you are of course right. Limbo is an unofficial explanation for the afterlife destiny of innocents who died with the stain of original sin. And as far as I know, it has been the only explanation the Catholic Church offered until Benedict. Let me know if you know more, please.

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