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  1. Jimbo
    2014-06-22 @ 5:06 AM

    I sympathize with you all. I lost someone close to me. You will at some point find out that you aren’t communicating with loved ones. They are gone and in peace. You are communicating with demons. They will fool you for as long as you let them. If you are already questioning some things, now you know why. Do not be fooled. I’m sure you know this Julia. For I’m sure you have experienced things that weren’t right. Read the bible.

    • Julia
      2014-06-23 @ 9:58 PM

      I am only allowing this comment to initiate discussion. The notion that after-death communication occurs only with demons is so far off from the experiences of mothers in contact with their children. After 40 years, I have never encountered anything that remotely indicates a demon. I feel sorry for people who believe in demons anyway. And if you read the bible, you will see that the one instance of after-death communication recorded brought up the wise king Samuel, who was called divine. No demons here. For our attitudes about after-death communication being demonic, I have written many posts that explain this development, and written about it too in The Last Frontier. Before Judaism of the 7th century BC, the whole ancient world regularly communicated with the dead. It was a part of life, as it should be now.

  2. miss sad
    2014-10-19 @ 2:54 AM

    I lost my mum suddenly 2 yrs ago. Before she died I was very spiritual and had lots of strange spiritual things happen over the yrs. But since my mum died, I haven’t felt her anywhere. In my dreams she doesn’t want to kiss or cuddle me and when I do dream of her, its distant. I could feel and communicate with other spirits before mum’s death but nothing since. I keep thinking she’s angry with me or just doesn’t want to help me know shes ok.

    • Julia
      2014-10-22 @ 3:04 PM

      Dear Jeannie, This sort of distance usually happens when one or both of you have serious unfinished business. What I would highly recommend is to contact her yourself rather than waiting for her to show up in your dreams (which she has probably already done.). At the bottom of my home page you’ll see short directions for how to contact her. Let me know when it happens!


  3. junju
    2015-03-01 @ 4:19 PM

    i lost my mom by june 4th 2014.i miz her.i wanna be wid her.i wanna c der any way fa me to reach her?i want her to talkto me.i desparately need my mom:(

    • Julia
      2015-03-03 @ 10:33 AM

      Junju, go to the bottom of my homepage and look at the “How to do After-Death Communication” section. Then sit down and contact your mother!

  4. Miria
    2015-03-02 @ 1:44 AM

    Dear Julia

    My seventeen year old son died in a car accident in November of last year. When he passed I was pleased to hear from his friends that he had visited some of them just after his death. All that kept me going after his death was the knowledge that he was with his Creator and with my parents. I went on a quest to understand where he was and came across your website which was of great comfort to me. I learned about after death communication and was thrilled at the prospect of being able to still have a relationship with my son.
    It’s been almost four months since he passed and I still haven’t had a visit from him. In the last year of his life, his relationship with me was not always great, however, I am sure he knew he was very much loved by me but being a single mother of three things could get a bit rough.
    Could this be the reason why he hasn’t come to visit me and if so is there anything I can do to change this.

    • Julia
      2015-03-03 @ 10:12 AM

      You know Miria, I don’t usually ask people to read my book, but in your case it would help. In it is a long chapter on the subtle signs those who have passed use to try and get our attention. Generally, we miss those signs, thinking it’s just our imagination or simply ignoring them. That would be the first step–to learn what those signs are. The second is, don’t wait for him to contact you. You contact him. It’s easy, really, because it is a normal human ability. There is also a long chapter on that in my book, a chapter that is meant to guide you through successful after-death communication. I am sure you will succeed. Many mothers have quite frequent contact with their diseased children, which has changed their lives. You will get to know your son the way he really is! If you still don’t succeed, we can make a phone appointment and I will walk you through it. My objective as a medium is to get YOU in contact so that you have that reference point for ever after and don’t need a medium. YOU ARE A MEDIUM!

  5. Miria
    2015-03-03 @ 8:59 PM

    Many thanks Julia and yes I will read your book.
    Best regards

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