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  1. Meko
    2017-08-16 @ 12:28 AM

    Hi im deaf my oldest son was only 21 years old he died in 2015 committed suicide losing my son hurt me it like my soul turn black or stab in my soul no mother suppose to bury their childs.. I miss him everyday wish i could bring him back but i can’t.. His beautiful smile always light our room up everybody love him so much he was a good man, father to his beautiful daughter, handsome son, wonderful brother smh i would love to have communicate with my dead son snd see him again. I hope i dont sound crazy but i miss my son very much please help me how to communicate with my dead son.

    • Julia
      2017-10-08 @ 1:54 PM

      Dear Meko, there is nothing so difficult as losing a child. You don’t sound in the least crazy. Go to the bottom of my homepage for tips on how to communicated. I give much more information in my book, in fact, several chapters, just on communicating alone. Let me know what happens!


  2. Cherie Ash
    2017-09-06 @ 5:40 PM

    I lost my son to cancer February 17, 2009. He was 20 yrs. old. I have signs of my son about 3 times a year.

  3. Jenny
    2017-11-21 @ 5:26 PM

    I lost my 43 year old son to suicide 7 weeks ago
    I had a vivid image of him recently as I was waking up one morning. He was stood outside my bedroom window, he looked sad, no smile, just stared at me. I wondered if he is still angry with me as the letter he left me almost blamed me for him taking his life

    • Julia
      2017-12-02 @ 11:35 AM

      Jenny, I’m so sorry I didn’t get back to you earlier. Typically, people who take their own lives deeply regret it. Younger people often commit suicide to get back at someone. However, once they pass over, all of them, in my experience, realize that their reasons were either invalid or just stupid. They are also shocked at the violence they did against themselves. In my opinion, the look on your son’s face describes perfectly that regret. It also speaks as an apology. Do not take the blame!

      Nothing is harder than losing a child other than losing a child by suicide. Please look at the bottom of my homepage for short tips on communicating with him.


    • Julia
      2018-03-07 @ 8:27 PM

      Dear Jenny, he is no doubt sound that he took his life. Most people who die by their own hand are upset afterward by the violence they did to themselves. Furthermore, the suddenly realize that they are responsible, not you! Try communicating with him. Go to the bottom of my home page for tips on how to do it. Or read my book, The Last Frontier, for a very in-depth treatment of afterlife communication. Believe me, if he ever blamed you, he now recognizes his mistake. Warmly, Julia

      • Jenny
        2018-06-05 @ 12:31 PM

        Hi Julia,
        Thankyou for your reply. I have found I can communicate with him when I get deeply relaxed in the early hours of the morning, using telepathy. I keep a written record of the chats we have and he is deeply sorry for the hurt he has caused me. I have had some excellent messages through mediums also confirming he is ok.

  4. Lorraine Milligan
    2018-02-04 @ 8:37 AM

    My son Bruce died in September 2015. He had been in a vegatitive state for 29 years after a car accident where he was a back seat passenger. I miss him so much and worry that I always did the right thing over those years of caring for him.

    • Julia
      2018-03-07 @ 8:13 PM

      Lorraine you don’t have to wonder. Just ask him! Go to the bottom of my home page for tips on how to communicate with the other side. In my book, The Last Frontier, I wrote 4 chapters on that alone, if you want to go deeper. I know you can do it. So many mothers have had life-changing success!

  5. Juan Valeriano
    2018-06-13 @ 10:06 PM

    Hi, we lost our son Samuel (Sammy) due to a brain tumor on 21 Oct 2017, he was 16 year old. During his short life Sammy went through severe medical problems. When he was only three years old, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor to the cerebellum. Sammy became mentally and physically disabled. Although he had many limitations, he surprised us many times because of his intelligence and fighting spirit. He was a very sweet child who with his smile lit the room. He loved his special needs school Kallpa, here in Peru. We miss him infinitely but I know I will see him again.

    • Julia Assante
      2018-07-11 @ 10:38 AM

      Dear Juan, I am so sorry for your loss.
      Why don’t you try contacting him now? You will see him not as he was in the flesh but as he is now, without any physical problems–a truly eternal being!

      • Juan Valeriano
        2018-07-11 @ 2:49 PM

        Hi Julia, thank you for your reply – I was surprised to see it. Thank you so much. I am always thinking about my Sammy and how much I miss him, he was my best friend. I am deployed in a base camp in the jungle of Peru and I started writing him every day. We lost 3 children – Dominic he was a stillbirth baby, Camille she passed when my son Sammy first was diagnosed with the brain tumor and he was hospitalized in Miami, Camille was born with a kidney malformation, and passed a day later. My wife was pregnant again but we found out that the fetus had the same problem Camille had, so we decided for an abortion because we could not bare the pain again. In my mind and named him Saul. Reference to Sammy he never comes in my dreams but he sends many signs that he is around our family, specially with his grandparents. Well thank you for your comments. Regards, Juan

      • Juan Valeriano
        2018-07-26 @ 8:12 PM

        July, could you please explain how to see my son Sammy now?
        Thank you,


        • Julia Assante
          2019-02-09 @ 12:51 PM

          Juan, ask Sammy to show himself as he is NOW. Wait until you get a picture in your mind’s eye. If it is moving, you’ve got him. Focus on that picture until you feel the connection happen–an “in” feeling. Stay completely focused. Ask questions and wait until he answers you.

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